to Dot.bomb

 The is such an interesting era, where the internet is taking off and the trust of the customer are gained. Not until when the market started to crash in the 2000 where a-lot of companies began to go under.  Some companies fought to stay in the market through facing hardship to maintain capital and keeping their employees. Usually, when business slows down and fixed and continued to incur variable and fixed usually fast speed for that business to go under. Especially during the 2000, technology was not advanced as in today's world. Therefore, human power was needed, meaning, companies can not afford to let some valuable employees despite it may them more to keep them. This kept fixed cost rising and affecting companies, despite there is not enough revenue coming in to offset the cost. 

If the would have happened in todays era, I believe most companies would have not gone under because in today's society, there are more cross training in departments and technology have improved a lot. Improved technology and fewer staff would have helped companies stays afloat in business even when there is not enough revenue. The revenue would have offset cost. Also, with the improvement in technology, there are many ways for a company to increase revenue via different advertisement. Through the internet, advertisement have became relevant and increasing. Social media like facebook, instagram and many more have contributed to the increase of sales for many companies. I strongly believe that the would have been prevented in today's technology age for many companies that went under in the 2000. 


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