A visit from Brian Forth

 Unfortunately, I missed Brian Forth's visit but i read about his visit through my classmate blog "A struggling Computer science major." From what Evan mentioned in his blog, it sounded like Brian's visit was rewarding and fun. Brian quit his job to pursue his passion in entrepreneurship by helping other business. His sitecrafting company my classmate mentioned sounded very interesting, so I checked it out. I like the layout of the website. The mission statement "To craft digital experiences that inspire, empower and delight "is short and sweet. It points out the main goal of the business with only few words. The vision statement "Thriving employees, organizations, and communities. Creating impact through technology" is also powerful and holds a-lot of meaning. It includes the most important components that is favorable for business to their outside viewers especially customers. I checked their services section too. I like the breakdown of the services. It started with strategy, creative, technology and content.  Under strategy, they emphasized on helping client meeting goals based on the user needs whether it through research or planning. This strategy is accomplished through solution like content strategy, digital marketing, research and testing, user experience, workshops, and seo. They also help clients with creativity in web designing, branding, prototyping and design system. Technology: they help with creating smart and beautiful website, web development, Manage hosting, application development and 3rd party integrations. Finally, Contents, they make the words matter through copywriting, social content and info graphics. I will recommend Sitecrafting too.


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