How Would You Spot a Deep Fake?

 Unfortunately, the modern world is bombarded with a lot of deep fakes. Let take nowadays social media and the impact of it in our society. Instagram have become a huge promoter of unrealistic image especially among women. The false image help people get brand deals and leaving many depressed of their own self- images. There are lot of enhancing apps for beauty such as teeth whitening, toning out skin and many more. I think these issues have promoted poor self-esteem within the community. Some people that per-take in this kind of environment are feeling pressured to look a certain way that seemed unrealistic. The age range that are feeling pressured are mostly youth. 

I think deep fake is also another form that exist in our society today especially in the form of plastic surgery. Most people are doing something invasive to their bodies to look a certain way on social media just to impress total strangers that have no connection to their personal lives. I think deep fake has been taking into the body as that anything can be manipulated especially the human body. As it was mentioned in the video that everything is highly manipulated. 

To accurately spot deep fake, we should focus on what is authentic or what is real about what is presented to us rather than detect what is fake about the presentation. Let take tiktok for example, have many options for editing videos that makes the presentation look more real than some professionally paid edited videos. One can inoculate themselves from deception by looking for authenticity.  Also, societal solution can be helpful in terms of networking approach and policy making intervention. 


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